Lawn Information and Guidance


Heat Stress

Heat stressed lawns appear as as a universal browning spanning larger areas. Our suggestion would be to increase your watering times by a third until the lawn begins to Green back up. Generally this will appear in areas that have full sun exposure. Fortunately, when this situation presents itself, we have about three weeks where we can correct the issue with good practice and not a costly repair. Water the lawn deeply every few days in affected areas, this may mean doubling your watering time.

Brown Patch

Brown Patch is a fungus that occurs when a lawn is too wet for too long. Generally you want a lawn to dry up by the late morning after watering. The shapes tend to be irregular throughout an area and will have green, somewhat healthy turf between the patches. If you are noticing this in the lawn, secure the water in that zone and let the lawn dry. This may take a few days. After it has dried, switch to less often watering but for a longer duration as to not exacerbate the issue. Often times, once brown patch has occurred, the damage is done, it will have to be dethatched, aerated and seeded.

Dollar Spot

Dollar spot is another Summer fungus that occurs in lawns that are too wet for too long. We have noticed that while brown spot shows up more frequently in Bent Grass, Dollar Spot appears more often in Fescue and Rye lawns. Generally Dollar Spot has the same treatment as Brown Patch.